Subsurface Characterization and Earthen Manure Storage Design Proposed Dairy Expansion Near Smiley, Sk.
July 12, 2020/Categories:Environmental
Smiley, SK
May 2020 – July 2020
A subsurface characterization assessment was conducted at the site in early 2019 and a report produced by another consultant. Results of the investigation showed that sand was present between depths of about 5.8 m and 10 m in three out of the six boreholes drilled on the site. The consultant concluded that the site was geologically variable but that it was not located in a geologically sensitive area because the sand would not likely constitute a useable aquifer based on its discontinuous nature and relatively low permeability and because other wells in the area are at greater depths. Groundwater quality parameters also were elevated compared to provincial guideline values, but there were no baseline concentrations from the site with which to compare the “potentially impacted” wells. Upon review of the report, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (SMA) decided that additional subsurface characterization is required to fully conclude that the sand is indeed unusable as a reliable aquifer and to more fully understand the potential groundwater impacts.
The purpose of the supplementary site characterization was to conduct additional subsurface characterization work required to conclude that the sand formation encountered in some boreholes from a previous investigation was unusable as an aquifer and to understand the existing groundwater impacts more fully. This information would then be used to assist SFC in obtaining provincial approvals for expansion of their existing dairy operations.
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